Common Reasons for Porcelain Veneers Replacement

Many people who are unhappy with the appearance of their teeth have achieved a beautiful smile with porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers are tooth-shaped shells that fit over the teeth to completely transform the smile by concealing dental flaws or minor orthodontic issues.
Porcelain veneers are durable and can keep the smile looking beautiful for many years. However, they may require replacement at some point. Here, we'll take a closer look at some common reasons porcelain veneers replacement may be needed.
To find out if you require porcelain veneers replacement, please schedule a consultation with Chicago dentist William Couvelis.
Reasons for Porcelain Veneers Replacement
The Underlying Tooth Develops Decay
It's possible for a tooth supporting a porcelain veneer to develop decay. Porcelain veneers leave certain areas of treated teeth exposed, including areas along the gum line and the back of the teeth. These areas are not protected by veneers and can become decayed without proper dental care.
Decay may also develop between a veneer and a tooth if the veneer becomes loose. This may allow plaque and bacteria to lodge between the veneer and tooth, resulting in decay.
When decay develops, it's often necessary to remove and replace the veneer in order to treat the decay and restore dental health.
Veneers Become Damaged
Although durable, porcelain veneers may become damaged with misuse. Teeth grinding, biting on metal pen caps, biting hard foods, facial injuries, or using the teeth as tools to open packages can chip, fracture, or otherwise damage the veneers. Damaged porcelain veneers should be replaced as soon as possible to protect the teeth from decay and further damage.
General Wear Issues
Porcelain veneers can last well over ten years with proper care and maintenance. As porcelain veneers age, some patients may begin to notice signs of wear, including scratches or chipping.
Those who have undergone porcelain veneers treatment to repair damage caused by teeth grinding may notice the signs of wear earlier, especially if teeth grinding has not been treated.
Weakened Bond Between Veneer and Tooth
Dental cement is used to bond porcelain veneers to the teeth. Although this special material creates a strong bond, over time the bond may weaken and cause a veneer to become loose.
Loose veneers increase the risk of tooth decay as they allow plaque and bacteria to become stuck between the veneer and tooth. Accordingly, replacing loose veneers is essential for protecting dental health.
Color of the Teeth No Longer Matches the Veneers
Over time and with exposure to certain foods and drinks, it's normal for the natural teeth to become discolored. However, porcelain veneers do not discolor like natural teeth. For some people, this may cause a noticeable difference in color between the natural teeth and the porcelain veneers. Teeth whitening treatments can also cause a noticeable difference in color since veneers do not respond to whitening treatments as the natural teeth do. When the veneers no longer match the color of the teeth, they will need to be replaced to restore uniformity.
Is It Time to Replace Your Porcelain Veneers?
If you have noticed any of these issues with your porcelain veneers, it may be time for a replacement. For more information about porcelain veneers replacement or to find out if it's right for you, we welcome you to request an appointment with Dr. Couvelis.
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